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The countries where the GTA Online Casino features are prohibited are listed by RockstarINTEL

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A lot of you have been tweeting at us and reporting that you cant use the features in the Casino, whether it’s spinning the lucky wheel or trying to play a game of Roulette. You’ll get a message saying ‘This feature is not available for you.’

Well, this for sure isn’t Rockstar Games fault. This is due to your country/government and the laws they have in place for Gambling. If your country is listed below. Then you won’t be able to use the features due to your anti-gambling laws set in place.

For some countries which can use the features, they may not be able to use in-game money which is from Shark cards. We spoke to Tez in Direct Messages which confirmed this. The game detects two types of Cash, Paid cash, and earned cash, Paid cash is Money purchased through Shark cards, Earned cash is any money you have gained through the games features. The Cashier at the Casino won’t allow you to use ‘Paid cash’ to purchase chips.

If your country is listed below and you want to try the Casino features, there is a variety of VPNs which will allow you to try them.

  • Afghanistan

  • Algeria

  • American Samoa

  • Argentina

  • Azerbaijan

  • Bahamas

  • Bhutan

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Belarus

  • Brunei

  • Cambodia – gambling is illegal for natives, but land-based gambling is legal for foreign visitors

  • Cayman Islands – land-based gambling is illegal, and online local casinos are banned, whereas foreign slots are not

  • China

  • Cuba

  • Cyprus – online sports betting ok with a license

  • Czech Republic – the majority of online gambling is illegal (except online lottery and online sports betting)

  • Ecuador

  • Greece – some online gambling is illegal

  • Iceland – online casino gambling and online poker illegal – offline gambling is legal

  • Indonesia

  • Iran

  • Iraq

  • Israel

  • Jordan

  • Kuwait

  • Lebanon

  • Libya

  • Luxembourg – illegal online other than sports betting and online lottery

  • Maldives

  • Mali – only legal for foreign visitors

  • Mauritania

  • Malta – gambling services need a license from the government, this is up to R* to apply for

  • Malaysia

  • North Korea

  • Oman

  • Pakistan

  • Paraguay

  • Peru

  • Poland – everything but online sports betting is illegal

  • Portugal – gambling services need a license from the government, this is up to R* to apply for

  • Qatar

  • Saudi Arabia

  • Somalia

  • South Africa – online gambling is illegal

  • South Korea

  • Sudan

  • Syria

  • Taiwan

  • Thailand – everything but Horse Racing and the Government Lotto

  • Turkey – everything but online sports betting and online lottery is illegal

  • Tuvalu

  • United Arab Emirates

  • Vietnam

  • Venezuela

Source: Reddit

VIDEO: GTA Online Diamond Casino Update - HOW TO USE CASINO IN BANNED COUNTRIES (Easy Guide)


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Author: Jamie Walker

Last Updated: 1703326682

Views: 655

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Author information

Name: Jamie Walker

Birthday: 2009-10-31

Address: 430 Perry Isle Suite 353, Kaylaburgh, OR 00941

Phone: +4159695352897201

Job: Biomedical Engineer

Hobby: Billiards, Quilting, Painting, Wildlife Photography, Rock Climbing, Puzzle Solving, Graphic Design

Introduction: My name is Jamie Walker, I am a accomplished, venturesome, sincere, expert, resolute, radiant, ingenious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.