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Nigeria: The 2023 Hi-Life Fest music competition is won by Nwajiaku Voice

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    The Hi-Life Fest is a platform dedicated to showcasing and supporting indigenous musical talents from across the country. This year’s contest, which commenced on May 15, revolved around the theme Turu Ugo Lota, meaning bring home the glory in Igbo.

    Out of a pool of over 10 000 entries at regional auditions, 16 finalists emerged, with musicians David Jones David and Tipsy Kelvano, along with veteran actress Jennifer Eliogu serving as the judges for the competition.

    After a seven-week journey, Nwajiaku Voice emerged as the overall winner, receiving a cash prize of ₦‎10 million (about $13 000), a video production deal valued at ₦‎7 million and an album recording deal worth ₦‎2 million.

    Chisom Henry Okeke and Onyia Ogugua Ransom secured the first and second runner-ups positions, respectively. Okeke was awarded ₦‎3 million, while Ransom received ₦‎2 million.

    “It’s been a tremendously exciting journey in the past seven weeks preceding the grand finale and no doubt our winner is deserving of the crown,” Life Beer senior brand manager Oluyemi Ekundayo said. 

    “In the last five years, Hi-Life Fest has produced highlife music stars that have continued to make waves in the music industry and we’ve added yet another feather to our cap by crowning a new king. We will keep promoting the values of hard work, brotherhood, tradition and progress.”  


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    Author: David Huff

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    Name: David Huff

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    Introduction: My name is David Huff, I am a ingenious, resolved, multicolored, dazzling, tenacious, spirited, fearless person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.