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How to Sell An Idea Without Getting a Patent

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    Every product or service starts with a bright idea, which has the power to transform a small business into a multinational company or corporation. From logo design, product development, to business processes, one idea can make a big business. Your idea is unique, and you want to sell it, so it makes sense to ask yourself, “How can I sell my idea online without a patent?” 

    In this article, you'll learn the best ways to sell your idea without a patent. 

    Sell Your Idea To Companies 

    It’s true—many companies are willing to pay you real cash for a great idea. These companies are usually multinational companies or corporations that continuously find ways to innovate their products and services by partnering with startups and innovators.  

    Here are some tips when selling your idea to companies: 

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    Find An Angel Investor 

    You can also sell your idea to an angel investor. Angel investors are individual millionaires or billionaires or business tycoons from whom you can seek financial aid in exchange for a percentage of your future profits. Working with angel investors is an excellent idea to make your startup or entrepreneurial idea come true.  

    Check the following benefits of finding an angel investor to fund your bright idea: 

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    Find A Business Partner 

    You can also sell your idea to someone you can trust and who can eventually become your business partner. This person could be a close friend, previous employer, or even a relative, who can help you finance your idea to make it a business.  

    Finding a partner doesn’t necessarily mean you only need some financial assistance or someone to fund your idea. Your partner could be someone who has the financial or business background to run a small company. If you want to benefit from your idea fully, take advantage of business loans and create your own products and services out of your intellectual property.  

    Sell Through Social Media  

    Communicate with different companies through social media to let them know that you have a great idea. But, don’t tell them your idea through social media messaging. You have to protect your idea by simply giving them a glimpse. Interested companies and advertisers will message you privately to tell you the process of how you can submit your idea proposal to the appropriate department or management. 

    Pitch investors through social media, wherein rich private individuals might also be interested in your idea. Set up a virtual meeting or video conferencing so you can present your idea. Be prepared to answer any questions. 

    Sell your idea without a patent by finding a company that buys great ideas. Also, you can look for an angel investor to fund your startup and make your idea come true. Another option is to work with a business partner, someone who has the knowledge, skills, or resources to establish a business out of your bright idea. Also, you can tickle people’s interest with your idea through social media. Whatever choice you have in mind, just make sure to present your unique idea clearly and professionally. 


    Article information

    Author: Susan Duffy

    Last Updated: 1702389962

    Views: 912

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    Author information

    Name: Susan Duffy

    Birthday: 1939-09-09

    Address: 9149 Mueller Circles Apt. 430, Morseshire, ID 24128

    Phone: +4187264690126512

    Job: Firefighter

    Hobby: Golf, Fishing, Mountain Climbing, Sculpting, Hiking, Photography, Playing Chess

    Introduction: My name is Susan Duffy, I am a esteemed, radiant, multicolored, rich, risk-taking, unguarded, rare person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.